Resort Interiors


"I get to work with amazing clients.
I hope that you are next".

Mark, thank you for the opportunity to present my services to you today.
I hope to give you a good idea of my vision and methodology for your digital marketing and reshaping your online business and brand.

As your team take ownership of the steps in your digital customer lifecycle, they will seem less like marketing or sales team members and more like brand ambassadors.

John Brunskill Web Developer & Designer

7 years ago I was running a venue and had a box of business cards from a promotion. I wanted to market to my new list.
After all, it looked easy?! TIme for a career change.

Working with stakeholders to engage users with cross channel strategies is very rewarding. In "new school marketing", we combine traditional sales and marketing tasks and along the way build ownership in the customer lifecycle.

I now have super skills and have made them relevant at an exciting time. Let's work together.

Content is King - Design is Queen

Your business goals and Unique Selling Proposition lead the way to building your online assets and information architecture.

With your business offering and objectives in mind we will commence discussions on your website architecture and building page authority on each topic. We then begin a process of discovery and content authoring to detail and sell all the aspects of your business.

The user journey and profiling will help to prioritize topics and navigation.
A simple mind mapping session with your team is a great way to kick this off.
Later, to sketch things out and to not get distracted by aesthetics, we will use low-fi wireframing tools to review the structure of the content.

A further vertical analysis of your markets will bring forward more opportunities to lay down awesome content and new entries into the funnel. Watch out, this gets pretty exciting.


"On-Page SEO is the best strategy
and it is 100% safe and 'white hat' ".

On-page SEO is the best approach to refining page content and creating page authority right from the get go. What I mean is, pick a keyword and prove you are the most relevant source.

Let's also discuss:

  • Creating new content (such as blog posts, webpages, videos, and infographics)
  • Brainstorming creatives (such as customer reviews, industry verticals, biographies, milestones and recognition)
  • Targeted content = quality relevant traffic
  • Inbound link building
  • Starting with the Keywords in your USP

When you are diligent about on-page SEO, you end up building a website that is logical to both human visitors and search engines. Well, simply put, if you create a well thought out SEO strategy from day one, you can effectively get free internet traffic from that point forward.

Customer Lifecycle

We will 'bake-in' the layers required, on a technical and content level, to manage the customer lifecyle in terms of:

  • Permission and data capture
  • Trust and relationship online
  • Funnel and segmentation
  • Call to action
  • Website success metrics
  • Winback
  • Conversion

Web Design

I believe there is a strong relationship between functional design and your success online. With some innovation and the best technologies I will style and refine your online presence to give your brand a competitive edge.

Mobile and Tablet

All web pages should be built with 'responsive' design. This means that users can view content on desktop, laptop, tablet or phone with an intuitive and readable layout.

We won't forget about email content delivery either. With most mobile users catching up on their email newsletter reading while on the go, special 'secret sauce' is added to your email templates for readability in mobile screen resolutions.

Campaign calendar

New school marketers share the belief that they can capture more sales by engaging with their customers on interactive channels. They also put their money and resources where their mouth is.

To deliver on the engagement piece, a lively and regular campaign roadmap needs to be implemented. My cross channel marketing service offers all the strategy, creative and execution so you achieve your online marketing goals.
Your new web assets will nurture the funnel as you drive online traffic with targeted email and social media.

Your Digital Assets

To deliver a new online strategy we need to work your brand and creative into a great Web, Email and Blogging platform. Your emails drive users to your blog and the blog engages users on your website with media and lead capture.

The Establishment of Cross Channel Assets

Creative and build out of permissions based Email - System, Assets and Reporting.

Content, Information Architecture and Design - Content Management System, Responsive, Analytics.

Website, social and content integration - Software training, establishment of roles, taxonomy and content themes.

Marketing Services

Armed now with new school marketing tools, it's time to deliver and convert. Together let's take your digital marketing strategies and start interacting with your users.
By working together and agreeing to execute on integrated campaigns, all channels will be engaged. Here are a few:

Integrate Twitter micro-blogging and add automation. With new tools let us integrate your twitter timeline with your content, themes and promotions to reach out and engage.

Location Strategy
You may know that some businesses are able to effectively market and lay down content that applies to multiple key locations. By leveraging available coding smarts we can look at serving up more relevant location content to users in multiple regions.

Microsite Creation
For any new content strategy based on keywords, location or funnel segment, a microsite is usually the best vehicle for this. By adding carefully crafted content, call to action and lead capture, this can be far reaching for search engine performance and new business goals.

Email campaigning and blogging.
We will co-ordinate and assist with your creative and content to make your email and blog work together as it should.

Managed Digital Services

There are many moving parts to engaging potential customers across all channels. A website alone does not ensure online success nor will an off-shore 'chop shop' be able to take your brand to market.

When first working with your team, it's imperative that I understand your needs and your business. I also like to spend some time discussing expectations and the positive outcomes of great content and delivery online. I bring to this stage an experienced understanding of the technical requirements neccesary to deliver on your project. There will be considerations of resources and the right partners in terms of online software, development platform and hosting.

It will be necessary to nominate a person in your team as a 'go to' on all levels of the project. There is loads of potential for new shared roles for your team as we and they take ownership of the digital customer lifecycle.

I will also need to setup your Google Analytics Account and establish goals and tracking conventions for email and inbound promotions. This will be an important tool in the managing and assessment of your activities and benchmarking your success metrics.

Together with your team, I execute on your marketing strategies with all blog, email and social content. It will not take long to establish your new creative and cross channel content delivery. I will create quarterly plans with the intention to drive this as a fully managed digital service. You are now building your sales funnel and moving with the 'big boys' in your space. I am your partner in delivering managed digital services.

Mark, thank you for the opportunity to present a brief overview of how I can effectively increase the relevance of cross channel digital marketing to Resort Interiors. I look forward to discussing my services with you in more detail and answer any questions that you may have.


Mark, I have broken down costs:

1. Digital Assets
2. Marketing Services

They are listed with the main deliverables for your consideration. There are a few cost and engagement options to consider tailored for your online needs now and in the future.

Digital Assets - $25k

  • Website
    Full Design & Implementation, Browser Testing, CMS, Lead Capture, Analytics
  • Email Newsletter Platform
    Template, CMS Capabilities, Reporting & Training
  • Blog
    Design, Social Integration and Training

Marketing Services
- $7k per quarter or $25k per year

  • Html Email Campaigning
    Full creative and delivery as required
  • Microsites
    Creative and Execution*
  • Blogging
    Creative and social integration
  • Website
    New pages utilizing existing templates and content editing

Web Hosting & Support including data backups and malware detection and cleanups - $2,200 per year. Free with Marketing Services
*One Microsite per year for the purpose of this proposal